Sometimes, a cavity or crack in your tooth is enough to let bacteria slip into the inside of your tooth to cause infection. This can cause swelling or pain, resulting in a toothache. If this is the case, come see Dr. Joseph Kayne or Dr. John Wilson for a root canal at Rock Canyon Dentistry.
Our dentists will start by drilling into your tooth and removing the infected pulp from the inside of your tooth. We will then fill your tooth with a medicated material before sealing it. The next step is to cover the tooth with a dental restoration, such as a dental crown. This restoration is custom made to look like a normal tooth and to fit along your adjacent teeth. You will be able to enjoy a healthier smile again.
Our root canals are completed in typically one to two visits. Many think that a root canal is painful, but thanks to our advanced techniques and anesthesia, you can receive your root canal with minimal discomfort. We invite you to come in for a root canal in Provo, Utah. We can restore your oral health here at Rock Canyon Dentistry, and we encourage you to schedule your treatment by calling us at 801-373-6362.